Julius Muyombya

Julius had been living in unimaginable poverty with his grandmother in Kiseyni shanty town in Kampala when students from St David’s College met him and challenged the college to make a long-term commitment to educate Julius and rehouse his family. The team at St David’s also managed to find Julius’ parents and he is now taking responsibility for their well-being. He was brought over to the UK from Uganda in September 2011 to begin a 5 year programme at St David’s College.

In 2016 Julius won the award for Outstanding BTEC Business and Enterprise Student of the Year. 

Julius has taken what he has learned on his BTEC and is already making a difference to his community in Uganda. He set his mother up with a sustainable goat breeding business and began a small entrepreneurial project selling padlocks on a market stall to provide an income for his grandmother. In addition to helping his family, he has developed a sustainable business project to help poor families in his community earn an income so that they can afford food, clothes and to send their children to school.

In the years following Julius completed a hugely successful school career at St David’s College and went on to Bangor University to gain a 1st class honours degree in Law and Business. He then returned to Uganda to work as an Associate Consultant with BDO and now works with our partner charities as a project director.