schools work

We work closely with five Ugandan schools and their surrounding communities and have now added a sixth which David is keen to support and be personally involved with. Please scroll down for a quick glance at our work and the new education concept project we are really excited about, working in partnership with Restoration Communities Uganda.


Katwe United Primary School

We have worked closely with Katwe United for over 10 years.

Katwe is an overcrowded industrial slum area where many families live in real poverty. Our own founder, John Njendahayo, began his educational life here. 

Many young people from the UK have visited and worked at Katwe United through Link International Innovation. In the past, young people have raised money, taught in, and built an extra classroom for this small primary school.

Since 2005 the pupils at Katwe United have welcomed the company and knowledge of our young people in their classrooms and in the playground as they have learnt through fun and interaction.    


Hosanna Primary School

Hosanna School is located just one mile north of Katwe United, in the slum area of Kisenyi.

Conditions in this school and community are desperately poor. We have built relationships with the community around the school through getting involved in the church service held at the school on Sundays and through our football project.

Our aim at Hosanna has been to help them improve the condition of the school so that the children can learn in a safe environment as well as to give them a hope for the future by encouraging adults and children alike. So far we have assisted with an abandoned building project and run activity sessions with teams of young people.

Maya Nursery and Primary School

Maya is very close to our hearts as it was the area we identified as being desperately in need of accessible medical provision. As well as helping in the of building this clinic, our teams also provide assistance to teachers in the local Nursery and Primary School. The school is partnered with a primary school in North Wales.

Kyambura Primary School

As our neighbour at our National Park campsite, we have developed a special relationship with this school.

A school of around 600 children of Primary age, with classes of up to 100 children, we always find an open door and huge welcome. Our young people run sports events, take classes in English, Maths and Music or simply spend time playing with them.

The school draws us naturally into close friendships within this rural community. Indeed, our coffee project is also based here.

Nkuru Nziza College & kids Joy primary

This is our flagship project developed by past St David’s pupil John Njendahayo.

The campus is now almost complete and has a pre-school, primary school and Vocational Training College.

It is located close to a tea plantation near to the town of Mityana and is now providing a first class education to children and young adults in a rural area, transforming their lives and the community. More information here.

Kapeeka Education Village

Julius came to St David’s College via our projects in Uganda and went on to gain a 1st class degree in Business and Law and returned to Uganda to work for BDO. For the past 3 years the charity has supported Julius in partnership with Restoration Communities Uganda so he can be part of the project management for the new development based on the Nkuru Niziza Project above.

This project will include a pre-school, a primary school and a vocational training college located in a new concept ‘education village’. For more on the concept see the pictures below.

David has asked that any Birthday gifts be given to this new project, which he will personally be involved in over the coming years, bringing his educational expertise and visionary talent together in a new and exciting way.

Below is the 6 acre plot that has already been bought and iTs location just to the north of Kampala.